This summer Kate rode on the float in the Lehi Parade. The theme was "Memories of....Grandpa's Farm". Roy Littleford was the "Grandpa" and Kate got to sit with him on the float. He took good care of her and she loved him. She talks about him all the time. A few weeks ago he called me to ask if he could make something special for his "little sweetheart". He made Kate this little doll table and chairs. He brought the cute plate with it and even made her a card that told her she is pretty and special. It makes me cry that he is so cute to do that. Kate always hugs him when she sees him at church and it is the cutest thing. I love living in a ward that has a great mix of old timers, middle age families and younger families. Our kids benefit so much from having relationships with these great people that have been around forever. Isn't this just the sweetest thing? And what beautiful detail!!
12 hours ago
what beautiful detail and craftsmanship! What a nice friend!
What is it about the old and the young that draws them to each other? That is so sweet! He did an amazing job!
How tender! He is such a sweet man! I didn't realize he was in your ward! What a blessing!
That really is so sweet! What a nice guy! You really can't blame him though, how could you not love Kate?!
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