Monday, May 9, 2011

Recap of the last few days

Starting with yesterday and going backwards, we have had a busy and fun past few days. Mothers Day was nice, even though I longed for my Mom. (Pretty much like I do every day) However, church was so busy that I didn't have too much time to get emotional and the Relief Society lesson was on missionary work, so I just sort of tuned it all out and escaped to my own mind. I visited my Mom's grave on Thursday and brought some flowers. Shopping for her has become very limited. Richard didn't have bishopric meeting yesterday so I got to sleep in until 9 am and woke up to lots of wonderful home made cards from the kids. I also got Harry Potter 7 from the kids (just kidding, I bought it for myself and threw it in a gift bag!) and the Tangled piano book. The kids abandoned their breakfasts to join me at the piano while I played and they sang all the songs at the top of their lungs. I loved it! We were able to go to Mt. Pleasant last night for dinner so Richard could see his Mother. On Saturday my family ran in the Race for the Cure. It was a great way to honor my Mom and then we went to the Little America brunch afterwards. This is a great tradition that we started last year and only the adults participate. We had a wonderful time and were able to get together again that evening for a BBQ and so the cousins could all play together.

All the grandkids enjoying dinner
Dad and the girls. Michelle is pregnant (due Sept. 15th- my Mom's birthday) and Traci is due the last week of June! I'm sure my Mom is loving getting those little boys ready to come down!
Jenny, Jake, Dad, Dave and Jon. Sorry, Dave and Jon, guess you forgot to smile.
I love how Jon personalized his shirt.
Jenny and Richard
Dave and Michelle
Traci and Jake
Michelle is awesome to walk around and gather as much of the free stuff that she can hold!
FRIDAY night we went to my cousins wedding and had another cousin sleep over so she could watch our kids while we were at the race. No pics of Friday!
THURSDAY was Emma's dance recital. I thought she was the best dancer in her class. She acts so shy about dancing, but when that music came on she rocked it! She was so cute and was dancing like a pro! I loved watching her!
She's wearing socks over her dance shoes to protect them...the socks were NOT part of the outfit!
Emma, Kate and Ariel

I had to do make-up on her for the recital and I've never put mascara on her. I couldn't believe how long they are! I just had to take a picture! Jealous? I know I am!

WEDNESDAY we went to Landon's Hope of America program. It was wonderfully done and we were so happy he was able to participate in such a neat event! Thanks for letting me steal your picture, Jessica!

It was a busy yet wonderful week!


Heather said...

It was great to spend time with you! I'm sad that I didn't know where we were meeting to get pictures with all of you! And Yes, Emma's lashes are crazy, but honestly they look just like your eyes!
Love you Jen!!

Unknown said...

I love all the pictures. I thought about you on mothers' day. I love that you do the race. A few girls in my neighborhood did it and I wished I had done it with them. You are so strong and amazing!

Rod and Jess said...

Jen, I SO stuck my foot in my mouth the other day when I so casually blurted out "what in the world do you get your mom for Mother's Day!" I am so sorry for being so insensitive! I can feel how much you miss your sweet mom! I love that the Susan Komen Race is the same time as Mother's Day every year. What a great gift and tribute to give to your mom! You are an amazing lady!

Karen and Joe said...

I'm so glad that you were ALL able to be together this past weekend. Your family is so close and that must mean everything to your mom.
On mother's day my whole outfit was from her so I thought of her all day and even on Saturday because I knew you guys were doing the race.
What great accomplishments for Landon and Emma! She is absolutely beautiful! Grandpa said that she sure loves your dad as I know everyone does.

Daisy Chick said...

I missed being able to see you on Sunday, since we were up North. I thought about you on Saturday and thought you were probably doing your race so glad you were able to spend time with your family. It looks like you guys have been super busy. Hopefully we can see you all soon. Love you all.