Friday, June 20, 2008

It's A.....

We had our ultrasound today and its most definately a girl!!! My kids were thrilled because that's what they were all hoping for. Everything looks good and the due date is still estimated to be Nov. 1 or Oct. 31. I'm not exactly pulling for a Halloween baby, but we'll be happy whenever she decides to come! I asked the kids what they would name her if they had to name her today.
Daniel piped up first without hesitation- Violet.
Emma was next and said- Flower.
Landon couldn't think of one, so he settled on- Hermione.
Anyhow, we are thrilled to even up the girls and boys in our family. The pictures we got from the ultrasound were'nt very easy to decipher anyway, so I chose not to try to post them. We'll just wait until she's here on the outside!


Layne said...

WOOHOO! That is awesome. If she comes on Halloween, you could name her Hecate. Hee. Congratulations!

Daisy Chick said...

We are so excited for you and excited for our new neice/cousin. It will be great for Emma to have a sister and fun for all of the little girls to have one more girl cousin to play with. It was great to see you last night. We are looking forward to the 4th. Congratulations!! Love you guys.

highdeekay said...

Very exciting. Eden is excited to have another friend. What about Hermoine Violet (which is a flower) McAllister? I think it has a nice rhythm, don't you?

Mandy said...

How wonderful! A little girl for Emma to play with. I would die without my sister, (I know you love yours) so what a blessing for your family. I hope you are feeling ok...And I hope to see you on the 4th brunch?...Take Care...

Michelle said...

congrats. I am so happy for you guys.

Jill said...

Ya! I am so happy for you! That is so great! I just told Mike that you were having a girl...and he said he already knew..why does he forget to tell me such things!? So, so fun!

Burt Family said...

Congratulations! I hope you don't mind me leaving a comment and peeking at your blog now and then. Richard sent me the page and it's so nice to get to see your family and how the kids are growing up. I'm sure they are all looking forward to a new little sister in the house.

Mindy said...

Yay!!! So exciting! How fun that Emma gets to have a sister! I'm so happy for you guys- especially that she is a healthy little baby!
Thanks for making the effort to come over while I was in town. Sorry I didn't get to chat with you more! It was fun to see you and the kids!

Oh, and my vote is Hermoine. How did he come up with that?

Emilee Porter said...

congratulations! so exciting!